Strength and Conditioning

Mission Statement:

To provide a training environment allowing all student-athletes to achieve athletic excellence during their tenure; through progressive functional strength gains, max velocity gains and improved transitional agility. Valkyrie athletic excellence will be developed through a very structured environment focusing on discipline, integrity, and hard work.


  • Movement patterns are assessed and deficiencies are identified and corrected, using corrective exercises before proceeding to more advanced training protocols.
  • Progressive routines are implemented to ensure core and posterior chain strength is adequate to support the movements required by the sport.
  • Strength, speed and power are developed using free weights through olympic and ground-based movements.
  • Using scientific-based speed development methods to increase max velocity, acceleration and multi-directional movement patterns.
  • Promote functional strength, speed and agility that translate into the game day sport.

In the Strength and Conditioning Department we focus on developing the complete athlete using proven scientific methods and innovations to give each athlete the best training. The Strength and Conditioning Department is constantly evolving with the changing demands of today's sports to help ensure the athletes stay healthy and perform at their peak potential.

The Strength and Conditioning Department works closely with the Sports Medicine Staff to enhance injury prevention and return to play exercise. Discussions between the staffs take place frequently in which the needs of each athlete are reviewed and a plan is developed to minimize the risk of injury and to decrease the time away from competition. 

For more information contact Robb Johnson, Director of Strength and Conditioning.